A third instalment in the exciting KickStarter series, known as the ZX Spectrum Next, is planned
One has to wonder how many KickStarter campaigns it takes before you can formulate a business model to actually, you know, sell your product like you're running a for-profit business? The answer to this question is, I guess, at least three, and who knows how many more?
Yes, that's right, as confirmed in an update to the second ZX Speccy Next KS campaign, with the heading "Heading into 2025 -- a bit late, eh?", it reads as follows:
Kickstarter 3 on the making [SIC]
Yes, we left this one for last as we didn’t want to take away the attention from the amazing work the community is brewing on the Spectrum Next every day.
We are, in fact, getting the plans for a third instalment of the ZX Spectrum Next crowdfunding in motion. The main reason for doing this is twofold: the urge to expand the size of the community for the benefit of the developers who are keen to get their games and apps in the hands of more people and; the knowledge some missed out (still!) on the first two, and want a Spectrum Next for themselves – we got constant emails about it and eBay prices keep on telling us there’s more to be done Next-wise.
Thus begins the journey of another Kickstarter which, if history is anything to go by, will be full of surprises, challenges and (likely) delays. But if all goes well, we’ll be welcoming a fresh class of users and fans to bolster our ranks, and keep the Spectrum Next’s momentum at maximum. What’s not to like?
After all, we wouldn’t want to disappoint Bret Bapstarcade Pritchard: 2024 was the best year ‘so far’ indeed – let’s make sure that’s the case!
Stay tuned!
This statement is doing well to manage expectations, by already stating the probability of delays to the next campaign, but it shows that the team behind the ZX Speccy Next are clearly living in something of a bubble here: another KS outing is unlikely to significantly increase the number of people using and procuring ZX Spectrum Next exclusive software, especially as it can be emulated (as mentioned in the above update), and there are other ways to get hold of a ZX Spectrum Next in hardware form, a quick search of the Internet tells me about a system called the Ngo, and also a Raspberry Pi based solution called the Xberry Pi ZX Spectrum Next clone. In fact, the only benefit I can see over emulation, or a Ngo or other clone, is that the Speccy Next has the authentic Rick Dickinson industrial design, so is a nice piece of eye candy.
So, who is going to be backing the next ZX Next KS campaign? Those people who like the design, for sure, some people who will see this as an investment, and others who want a reliable modern days Speccy that uses new television sets without any trouble (although the Next does have issues with HDMI and changing between one display and another). And, of course, collectors who just must own every iteration of a Sinclair product, because why not? The minority of people will be backing it to play or use exclusive Next software because there isn't that much of it, and the really good games tend to have equally excellent actual ZX Spectrum versions as well. Yes, I'm looking at you, Aliens: Neoplasma!
The other point is glaringly obvious: the two KickStarter campaigns has raised £2,570,496, according to the numbers on KickStarter. Now of course, there is the point that no one has made money from the Next, in fact, the first KickStarter was somehow a loss. Okay. So, it really was like Homer Simpson's fabled car then? Full of brilliant ideas (according to Homer) but expensive and poorly executed. But I suspect that this isn't the full story, and anything I say about potential profits or losses here is unfair without knowing all ends. However, the £2.5m in total monies already put into the two KS Campaigns are surely signs that, if you get the price, product and marketing right, there is a product there that doesn't need to rely on another go on KS.
Now, imagine then the beautiful Next casing, but with internals that are costs reduced? Perhaps the internals of the ever popular Ngo and the externals Rick Dickinson's excellent and sleek design? That would mean some compromises, but surely the Ngo does all of the things that a Next does, or at least all of the features that people actually want to use, which I still maintain is largely to play original Speccy software without the hassle of R: Tape Loading Error
With a more singular vision and at a good price, this could be an actual a real viable product for a bigger market that bursts outside of the Internet bubble that surrounds the Speccy Next. But some may say that the Retro Games Ltd TheSpectrum has already taken that market. And there isn't enough Next-specific software (at least yet) to allow it can compete in a meaningful way, is there? Nor a decent dedicated magazine for it. Maybe the novelty of overclocking the Spectrum is enough of a draw as it certainly gives some games a new lease of life. But that novelty will soon wear thin for most people.
Another idea might be to offer the ZX Speccy Next as a casing by itself (although I still maintain that the keyboard is pretty dreadful to use), with internal mountings for your choice of Next hardware in a modular fashion. Externally, it is a Next, and regardless of whether the expansion bus is missing, or it has no built-in joystick ports, internally it is also a Next too. The internal keyboard connection would be a small technical hurdle, but nothing that could not be overcome. I think this would be a sensible offering, if it can be produced at a reasonable consumer-friendly price point.
My point is that the ZX Speccy Next could have been so much more, especially with it's elegant design; since it's announcement, it has lost ground and/or become mired as a niche product for two main reasons in my view: which are it has a clunky user experience (mostly), and that it tries to please too many people at once, but ends up pleasing too few. And that is perhaps how the people behind the Next want it. Perhaps they think it is somehow more cool that way too? Who doesn't want a niche product that has loads of features that you don't want, nor asked for, nor actually will ever need or use anyway? Eh?!?
But guess which mug will probably be backing the next ZX Spectrum Next KS campaign? Yep... that'd be me.